The Cammino nelle Terre Mutate is a new way, similar to the more famous way of St Jacob or the Via Francigena, born to unite, metaphorically, the lands affected by the earthquake events between 2009 and 2017, starting from Fabriano and arriving to L’Aquila, in Abruzzo Region. The way, passing through the Appennines, gives the chance to visit slowly the internal area of Le Marche and its small villages, the Sibillini Mountains. The whole route is divided into 14 legs; you can decide to walk the whole journey or choose a part of it. described in detail in the guide book. Additional information about the Cammino nelle Terre Mutate, in particular regarding official route, wearing recommendation and other useful advices, together with the official guide book, can be found at the official website here.
If you wish to start this journey, the agriturismo Il Casato is a place where you can accommodate and eat local food; moreover, the agriturismo is an ideal starting point of the leg no. 2 from Matelica to Camerino, as it is located along the official route.